Age: 16 Height: 5’10”
Hometown: Koloa, HI
Ideal day: Wake up, go surf early morning. Then go wing midday and finish up with a sunset foil session.
Goals: Connect wave for 30+minFavorite Food: Poke bowl or really good fish

Age: 16 Height: 5’10”
Hometown: Koloa, HI
Ideal day: Wake up at beach and foil a perfect glassy right all day then sunset tow sesh on a perfect glassy wave.
Goals: Get airs and backflip consistently
Favorite Food: Fresh caught fish or pizza
Age: 16 Height: 5’11”
Hometown: Kailua, HI
Ideal day: Prone or wing before school, go learn a little, munch some food, then tow in for the afternoon
Goals: Foil a 10 min wave without having to transfer
Favorite Food: Bentos